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Intex Technologies India

News Stories and Press Releases

06 March 2012 -

INTEX launches Sound Bar Home Theatre System

Mumbai –India: Intex Technologies, a pioneer in Technology & IT Products has launched today its first wireless sound bar home theatre system. 'Sound Bar Marvel 250’ takes entertainment..
27 February 2012 -

Intex launches SENSE - a smartly designed touch phone

Bangalore: Intex Technologies, one of the leading companies in IT hardware, consumer electronics and mobile phones, has launched INTEX SENSE- a touch screen phone loaded with many interesting applications.
21 February 2012 -

INTEX launches 3G wireless data card

Bangalore : Intex Technologies, pioneer in Technology & IT Products, announced the launch of its first 3G wireless data card. This card aims to provide users with multiple benefits- from web..
05 July 2011 -

INTEX presents ‘Tri.Do’

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    HP IPG Press Meet in Delhi- Ajay Gupta, VP R&D, HP IPG

    Ajay Gupta, Vice President, HP IPG Group R &D Hub demonstrates ePrint capabilities and talks about cloud innovation being done at HP together with Vyomesh Joshi.
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